5 Reasons To Buy A Corten Steel Fire Pit

5 Reasons To Buy A Corten Steel Fire Pit

Neil Thomas
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5 Reasons To Buy A Corten Steel Fire Pit 

With the arrival of spring just around the corner, we will soon be presented with the opportunity to bask in the sun and relish the long evenings in the company of our friends.

As we sit around a warm, radiant fire, engaged in conversation that extends well into the night, we may realize that our garden is incomplete without a fire pit.

However, finding the perfect fire pit can be challenging, as it should be sturdy, aesthetically pleasing, portable, and safe for our loved ones.

Our preferred option, which fulfils all these criteria, is the corten steel fire pit.

To help, we will present the top 5 reasons why we believe a corten steel fire pit is your ultimate choice. So, let's explore the reasons why we recommend this fire pit

Let’s dive in…

1. Corten Steel Is Anti-Corrosive

Corten Steel is an excellent choice for a fire pit due to its remarkable anti-corrosive properties. The rusted layer that forms on its surface from exposure to the elements is beneficial.

This controlled form of corrosion creates a stable, oxidized film around the fire pit that acts as a protective layer, preventing the steel from rusting through completely.

This anti-corrosive layer's durability significantly prolongs the fire pit's life, eliminating the need for frequent replacements.

Furthermore, corten steel fire pits can withstand high temperatures without additional corrosion, making them the perfect choice for your fire pit.

2. Corten Steel Requires No Maintenance

Maintaining a corten steel fire pit is incredibly easy since rusting is the only necessary upkeep, and it happens independently without any effort from you.

Corten steel fire pits develop a stable oxidation layer when exposed to various weather conditions that serve as an excellent protective coating, preventing the steel from rusting through.

By taking good care of your fire pit, you can ensure it stays in perfect condition for an extended period without requiring frequent replacements.

The rusting process for corten steel fire pits typically takes around 2-4 months, which is relatively fast compared to other materials. During this time, the fire pit develops a desirable patina that enhances its aesthetic appeal.

If you want to accelerate the rusting process, spraying saltwater on the fire pit's surface is a simple and safe method. Saltwater will expedite the rusting process and facilitate the formation of the protective layer.

You can quickly achieve the desired patina and protective layer using this method.

3. Lightweight And Durable

Corten steel is incredibly lightweight and durable. It is typically produced in ¼" thick sheets, contributing to its lightweight.

Despite being lightweight, corten steel is a highly robust material with exceptional structural strength. It is a popular building material for this reason, as it is incredibly durable.

Therefore, your corten steel fire pit will be easy to move around because of its lightweight, but you do not need to worry about it being fragile. It can withstand the elements and other factors that may affect it. With its robustness, you can be sure that your fire pit will last for a long time.

4. Gorgeous Aesthetic

Corten steel fire pits are becoming increasingly popular as the preferred garden ornament because they offer both practical superiority and a beautiful aesthetic to your landscaping.

Corten steel's modern look is sought after worldwide, not limited to fire pits. It is used in architecture, landscaping, and home design. 

Each fire pit is unique since the rust layer forms based on the weather in which it is situated. This natural process makes every fire pit slightly different and individual.

When the rusted layer reaches a stage that works best for your desired aesthetic, you can slow the rest of the rusting process by applying a rust control oil like Owatrol. This isn't necessary. Most just leave it to develop naturally.

Corten steel fire pits create a stunning and striking feature in your garden or outdoor space that will catch the eye of all who see it.

Corten Fire Pit Adezz 100cm

5. Better For The Environment

Corten steel fire pits are better for the environment in several ways.

Corten steel fire pits are incredibly durable, and their long lifespan means you won't need to replace them regularly.

They don't require any chemical protective layer, making them environmentally friendly.

Since corten steel has no chemical protective layer, it can be easily melted down and recycled. This aspect of corten steel is excellent for the environment, making it a more sustainable option for your fire pit needs.

With their durability, low environmental impact, and recyclability, corten steel fire pits are an excellent choice for environmentally conscious people.

In conclusion, a corten steel fire pit is an excellent choice for your outdoor space. It's anti-corrosive, low-maintenance, lightweight, durable, aesthetically pleasing, and environmentally friendly.

We are confident you will love your corten steel fire pit as much as we do.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Protect My Outdoor Surfaces From Corten Steel Rust Stains?

When exposed to moisture, corten steel can bleed rust which can stain and damage surfaces such as decks, patios, or other outdoor flooring materials. It is advisable to take steps to prevent this from happening.

One option is to place the corten steel fire pit on a non-flammable surface such as bricks, concrete, or gravel. You can also place a protective barrier, such as a heat-resistant mat, between the fire pit and the deck to prevent rust stains and damage.

Can A Corten Steel Fire Pit Be Left Outside In All Weather Conditions?

Yes, corten steel fire pits are designed to withstand all weather conditions.

The rusted layer that forms on the surface of the steel creates a protective layer that prevents the steel from rusting through, making it an ideal choice for outdoor use.

How Do I Clean A Corten Steel Fire Pit?

Cleaning a corten steel fire pit is relatively easy. Simply remove debris and ash from the fire pit and wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

Do not use abrasive cleaning products, as they can damage the protective layer of rust on the surface.

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